As I recollected in my blog last week, 2009 was a year of change and I’m sure 2010 will bring us more surprises, challenges and opportunities to sink our teeth into. This week I’ve been thinking of what I’m hoping to achieve in 2010 and also sketching out some new years resolutions of my own.
So in light of the upcoming new years eve festivities, I thought I’d dedicate this weeks blog to new years resolutions and show you all how it can be related back to our favourite profession – marketing.
In an attempt to prepare, I thought I’d do a bit of research - I surfed some lifestyle sites and spoke to a few people.
From this, I’ve pulled together the AppleCrisp Top 5 New Years Resolution Countdown:
#5: Quit smoking – I would love to see the sales tracker for Nicoderm in January
#4: Get a new job – Well, it is a new year and a new human resource budget
#3: Enjoy life more – Sounds good to me - kick back and live it up
#2: Lose weight – Replace those sausage rolls and beer for salad and OJ
#1: Spend more time with family and friends – Agreed - life’s too short not to
As you can see, all of these actions have something to do with self improvement. Whether it be to improve your health, career or relationships they involve bettering yourself. does this relate to our lives in the marketing world?
The best way to relate these 5 resolutions to marketing life is to bring it back to basics. As these 5 resolutions show, we all have areas of ourselves that we want to improve on. The same can most certainly be said about what we do day-to-day. In all that we do as marketing professionals, there are always ways we can improve our results and what we deliver.
In our marketing roles, we need to look at what we do well and identify those things we wish were different - whether it’s that promotion we want, the campaign we want to launch or the increase in marketing budget we are after. Designing resolutions/goals to get us closer to achieving these wishes gives us control over our marketing destiny.
As I take stock of 2009 and start focusing on the year ahead, I’ve got my personal and professional resolutions ready to go. Similarly to how I sketched out what I’ve learned from 2009 in my blog last week, my new years resolutions for 2010 are just as, if not more, important.
I won’t bore you with the details of these resolutions but I’ll give you a glimpse into a common thread which runs throughout all of them. They all centre on following my passion. Passion for me has kept me going this year as a marketer but in a general sense too. I believe passion is my secret to success and will help me get what I want in my personal and professional life. Following my passion is the goal and the resolutions are actions I’m going to take to get there.
For everyone reading this blog, I hope you all take the time before the clock strikes 12 to sketch out your own new years resolutions that will help you achieve your goals.
Now...before all you cynics pipe up, I do realise that new years resolutions are partly made to be broken. So the question is – why bother?
If nothing else, it can be a bit of fun at this time of year but, on a serious note, I think there is a more important reason.
Making these resolutions, whether personal, professional or both, gives us time to think about our wishes and dreams, how we can get them and most importantly gives us hope that they will be achieved. It allows us to centre ourselves and focus on the year ahead. For these reasons alone, this investment in time makes them worthwhile. At least I believe so.
As marketers, planning is in our blood – so...before you pop open another bottle of champagne, take the time to dream a little and set out some resolutions for good old 2010!
Happy New Year to everyone...have a year full of good health, love and happiness. Have fun wherever you are and whatever you do.
See you next year :)
AppleCrisp Marketing Solutions